Saree and the culture of India

Saree is a very famous Indian traditional dress that every Indian woman wears. The reason for wearing a saree is to show some respect towards our culture and traditions. In every part of India you can see women wearing saree but the difference is between the ways of wearing it. Saree shows the dignity of a woman. The concept of saree is not new we can see sarees in many old manuscripts like in The Vedas. Saree has its own significant value in the eyes of women. From a traditional function to a meeting a saree can do justice with every occasion. Every generation of woman loves the saree it does not depend whether they are Indians or not. Saree it getting the appreciation from everyone in this world now we can see many fashion shows based on saree or on Indian ethnic wear. Well India has its own value in the world regarding their culture and traditions as the world getting the knowledge about it. This is all possible because people are eager to learn about different cul...